Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry day after Christmas!

Hey all... I havn't blogged since Dec. 6... now.. 20 freakin days later.. here I am. Of course its late and I need to get to bed. I've been a major night owl this whole week.. trying to get ready for Christmas at our house. I think we totaled 15 with my family over here. We had a good time and my Mamaw was happy. Anyways... my last blog was talking about needing to put up my decorations.. I did it probably 18 days ago.. lol. i don't know.. Anyways.. since I've been on.. Doug and I had our 4th anniversary on Dec. 18th. We had Brazilian BBQ at Master Grill. Gotta love that and no, Elisha, we actually didn't have the grilled pinapple, sorry. Man all that meat was good. Anyways.. I need to go to bed cuz i have to be to work early tomorrow. Love you all and hope you're all doing great!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Decorations

I really need to put up my Christmas decorations! I wanted to get it done the days after thanksgiving but here it is a week after that even. Christmas is so close and I want to get in the mood. Anyways. That's what I'm stressing about today. Doug finished his first week or work at the new place. It went well. Everybody has made him feel welcome. I'm kinda bored at this moment but its too late to start something like Christmas decorations. I'm determined to get it done tomorrow. I will.. At least my Christmas tree. I don't have much else anyways.
I'm recalling some event from earlier in the week. My sister's husband is normally what I like to call "cheap." But he has a good heart. My sister has gained some weight lately and had been pouring her self into some pants. He noticed how she had to jump and tuck and pull and jump again to get her jeans on. Well he was like.. "Becky, you need some new clothes.. hears $300." Well, of course she calls me to help her go spend it all.. I was so excited for her. People.. she's been wearing this horrible green leather jacket that since we were young.. I'm talking young. I've probably had 10 jackets since then... this horrible green swede leather(might i add) was brought in to my sister's life probably in middle school or latest... high school.. she got out of high school in 2000... I swear its from middle school though.. maybe I'll find a picture.... anyways.. we found a gray wool pea coat that will never go out of style! We are all rejoicing! The other major achievement is to find pants that fit her.. her waste is about 3 sizes smaller than her butt! Hard to fit... but we were able(although she needs to get them altered.. but that's ok)! She's like supper picky too... But we had fun and found stuff and were successful fitting her butt (well kind of) and disposing of the green swede leather jacket... its like a bomber jacket.. so ugly! I'm thankful to God for bargains in the store! I really am!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rules:Post rules on your blog.Answer the six "4" items.
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment.
4 Things I Did Yesterday:-
Shopping with my sister and her motherinlaw
did a few clients at work
I can't remember what i ate for dinner..
oh I just remembered, I stayed at work and colored my hair
it was late getting home so I got Bueno
and my color turned out good.. did a few hilights and colored the rest
today one of the girls cut the back for me too and I feel so much better!
i know i didn't follow the directions

4 Things I Look Forward to:-
a full set of teeth
Cruise in May
Having fun
babies in the future(don't get any ideas)
Heaven when its my time no sooner.. but good thing God's in control of that

4 Things On My Wish List:
Please convey to any possible buyers;)
Clinique happy(just the perfume, a big one.. not the lotion and body wash crap)
a robe that I pick out:)(I'm still looking, i have a hot one and i want one that's thinner and cooler, but i want it to have some pizazz..something exciting..but not see through.. i like to walk outside with it sometimes.. ha ha)
boots that i pick out:)(I'm still looking.. i wanted them last year too. still haven't decided, I need comfort without sacrificing style you know)
stuff for the house like new floors, decor, paint, stuff like that.. what do y'all think about green for paint color.. a good green.. I'm chickening but i want it..

4 Restaurants I Like:
Buca de Bepo(spellin?) or I also like any Italian as long as its not too expensive.. ha ha
Panda Buffet(who don't like a Chinese buffet??)
Texas De Brazil or Master Grill

4 Favorite TV Shows:
Grey's Anatomy
Amazing race
I'm catching up on Lost and I'm addicted so far
Jon and Kate Plus 8
17 kids and Counting
Baby story
Little house on the Prairie
Rachel Ray
I couldn't decide on only 4, so i did more

4 People I Tag (You're it):
Wanissa already tagged most my friends.. ha ha
and You!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Witch hazel and cornstarch

Just a little update. Doug got the new job with SPE(Society of petroleum engineers). We are excited about the great opportunity and Thankful to God for the blessing. Doug's a little nervous starting a new job after working for WISD for like 13 or 14 years.. whatever.. too long at WISD. Anyways they had a going away party for him last Friday and they thanked him for all his hard work and skills. They're all kinda bitter sweet about it... its like they want to be happy for him but some of them just can't get over loosing him. But they will hopefully appreciate him more when they realize all he did. Anyways... I went shopping to get all the stuff i needed for my contribution to Thanksgiving at my Mamaw's house. I'll be making a few things to take over. I'm so excited about my uncle's fried turkey and my Mamaw's cornbread dressing! with gravy! and all the other wonderful feastful foods. Well, and you can never forget the people who aren't there anymore. I love my Papaw so much and miss him a whole lot still. My cousin is having the first great grand baby and I'm sad he's not here to meet her. She'll be having her on Wednesday! Her name is gonna be Brooklyn.. cute! Ok well there's my update on life. I have to work a lot for the next two days and I'm not excited because I'm already tired! well its late but i had stuff to do with my email and when i get on the computer I do it all.. email, Myspace, blogger, and sometimes the occasional google search for whatever i need to know. last google search was for "dog tear stains.." Lila is a white dog and has been having issues with unsightly tear stains. I'm trying out a product called Eye Envy. Its supposed to control the bacterial in the wet hair caused by the tears... its apparently breading grounds for bacteria and yeast which cause the staining. Anyways.. i swear its witch hazel and cornstarch... one part is the wet stuff which smells like witch hazel and you end with a white powder and i swear its cornstarch. I haven't tasted it yet.. but we'll see.. not that i could tell what cornstarch tastes like.. Ok .. I'm done..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our new Pastor!

Well, we got the privaledge of welcoming our new pastor at MRBC on Sunday. I felt a peace and a security again. It just felt weird not having a senior pastor. It felt like things were a little chaotic in a sense. Its just nice to have a leader again and I enjoyed his sermon. He's easy to listen to and has a sense of humor that I hope we can all experience more of. I think of God with a sense of humor a lot.. I mean look at us.. he made us beautiful but really... look in the mirror at your nose.. it just looks so goofy sometimes.. I think he laughs at us too when we do something stupid too. I know things are inappropriate sometimes but I know God has a sense of humor... He has to. And some animals look so weird and even funny.. Monkeys are cute sometimes but they look so goofy some of them... I just think its cool to think of God that way. It makes him more personal I guess.
The whole time we've been welcoming this new pastor, I've had to remember and remind myself to not compare him to Mark at all. I don't want to be compared with anybody else and he deserves the same. Mark is a great man of God, and a wonderful pastor. He's funny and so friendly and his smile screams compassion and love. Mark's wife is kinda weird though ... no I'm playing, you know I love me some Gina.. but Lash's wife is totally not Gina and can't be like Gina(Gina is a very complex personality)... ha ha... I'm just excited to make the choice to accept this new guy as our pastor without any expectations except for him to be a man of God and a humble Christian example. God will bless him and our church. I'm excited for what's to come.
Now as far as the new President Elect Obama... I can't say I'm excited because I'm so right wing... but he's gonna be President and I believe in respecting authority. I can disagree politely but with total respect. God is in control of our situation. That doesn't mean God will Bless our Country. I say that because I believe God can bless a country founded on and following His commands, morals, and ordinances. If our Country continues to move toward legalizing homosexual marriage and legal abortions... stuff that is not biblical, He can choose to not bless this great nation. I feel that the current economic situation is a direct result of every single person living above their means. No one forces a person to sign a ridiculous mortgage. No one forces us all to accrue so much consumer dept that we get in over our heads. Anyways.. there's more the the whole situation... but let me tell you this.. If my taxes get raised.. you better come see me when I do time... I'm not paying anymore taxes than I already do... I work hard for my money and I'm not sending it in to support "Programs" I don't agree with.. like welfare and socialized medicine. Socialism works... but in a perfect world. We definitely don't have a perfect world cuz we all live in it. Socialism is ... everybody works together and does their part to support and contribute to society, and in turn you are able to receive benefits and meet your needs at little to no cost to you. Like I said it works for a perfect world.. but I'm selfish and I don't want to help the people who are selfish don't want to work to do their part to contribute to society. We are a selfish people with selfish tendencies. Anyways, I'm tired and blogged too much tonight!

Out Dancing!

I went out dancing Saturday night!... It was unplanned really but I was helping a girlfriend out and we got done early, so we went out! I had never been "Country and Western Dancing" but it was so much fun. Weird but so much fun. Most of the night I just watched the other people dance. We went to Red River... They of course have the saloon in there but this dance floor was cool and new to me. It was like a skating rink really. The people hopped on and made their way around the dance floor. Some better than others! ha ha. See, I didn't know how to "Two step" but this big hick that came over and asked me to dance was determined he was the teacher for me. I was like... OK whatever. We went out there and started dancing. He liked the slow songs by the way which were boring and made me uncomfortable, because I was over on the sidelines wanting to twirl around the dance floor and move with bigger steps I guess.. this guy was like "don't pick your feet up .. just slide them.." Its kind of true but I told him I wanted to do bigger steps and he said "don't look at the other people.. just watch my feet" ha ha... Anyways.. I got out there and danced with my girlfriends though and that was fun.. they were better dancers. I didn't feel so bad after all.. I thought I was doing horrible but when you get the right partner... its better I guess.
I'm sore too, so I got a work out... but not from the two stepping though I'm sure... they played some "booty" music too... That's what I know how to do! ha But it just didn't seem right to see a roper out there grinding on somebody.. lol.. I'm so inappropriate! But it was funny. Anyways.. We had a blast and I needed that. Now I want Country/western dance lessons.. its easy once you know how to do it and get the rhythm down. But then you have to change it up with different partners.. It just all seemed clean fun really.. sometimes uncomfortable with a big redneck hick roper dude... But I'd never been asked to dance and that was kinda cute. I'm definitely gonna go again some time. I wish Doug liked it but I don't think he'd go so. He doesn't have a butt to shake but he can keep a beat I think. He'd probably never do it though... he's too insecure. He'd probably be afraid I'd turn him down.. ha ha. I love my husband... don't be fooled.
I've been gaining so much weight lately( and no I'm not pregnant ha ha.. that friend has come to see me this month and she let me know I'm not(Desperate Housewives anybody??)). I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I'm not happy about. I just can't seem to find the motivation.. I've hung up my "skinny(size 12)" jeans in the closet.. wrote my "I will not eat again" oath that I've broken of course.. ummm my latest thing is thinking that I'll only be able to loose weight if I get a deep freezer and fill it with lean cuisines... I'm planning on doing a reasonable breakfast and having a lean cuisine for lunch and one for dinner... for a few months until some weight comes off and then going from there.. but I don't have that deep freezer yet... I'm sure its the answer.. ha ha.. I'll have to publish my new fad diet.. "the deep freezer diet..." its gonna be cheaper than nutrisystem and Jenny Craig.. Walmart sells lean cuisines for like $2.50 I think and Nutrisystem is $10 a day and Jenny Craig is worse! oh but then you have to add in the deep freezer unless you wanna go to walmart all the time for the lean cuisine... Well if anybody wants to jump on this train with me when I get it going.. let me know and we can be "deep freezer" buddies and track our progress or lack there of.
I do wish I viewed myself in a different way but its just not the case. I actually just want my body to be healthy and at least back to my 12 or so... I feel like I'm not being unrealistic... Last time I was on Weight Watchers.. I got down to 160 lbs... about 2 years ago, and I'm not really sure I could eat for a person who weighed less than 160. Up until that point I felt at least satisfied but when I was trying to keep it off.. I just felt like I was giving up everything and felt so deprived. Its probably a spiritual thing I need to work on.. because I'm addicted to food. I've heard of ministries that deal with this sort of thing.. well addictions in general... drug, alcohol, porn, food.. and other stuff probably.. those are just the ones that come to mind. I'm curious about it...
Anyways... not to sound harsh or something but I'm just thinking... I know that some people are happy with their bodies the way they are. And that's great!... but I also know that's rare. I also know that I can look at somebody through my eyes and not see a thing wrong with them, but it doesn't change they way they feel about themselves. When people tell me I'm not fat.. that's not what I want to hear at all.... I'm not sure what I want to hear but that's definitely not what I want to hear. Maybe I'm mean for not accepting "compliments." When I hear a size 0 girl say she's got a belly.. I'm like.. "well.. I don't see it but I'm sure you see it .. so do some sit ups girl".. ha ha...(First of all, I'm not gonna tell her she's not fat... she either thinks she is and I can't change it or she's fishing for a compliment and I don't bite that kinda bate) It doesn't mean I agree with them that they are fat but I respect that they have insecurities just like me. You know, if its not fat, its teeth... if its not teeth its Acne.. if its not physical its mental insecurities, or social insecurities... it just so happens I have a little of all of them.. ha ha.. I usually just get over them and make fun of myself... That's fine with me. That's how I deal with them, at least I acknowledge them, cuz some people don't... When you don't acknowledge your insecurities.. that's when you get offended when other people acknowledge them for you...Deep thoughts..
Maybe I want people to agree with me.. "yeah Sarah you are fat.. do some sit ups girl and get your deep freezer!" ha ha.. I don't leave any room for comments on this one did I.. I hope I get all comments just like that too.. just copy and paste it.. I'll be cracking up so bad! it would be awesome!
Really though.. I'd love to get input on insecurities.. this could be free online counseling session... lets hear it... what are your insecurities or insecurities you think you might have(get iy out in the open if you want). Or What's your take on them? Am I going about it all wrong? Am I being insensitive about the issue(because my social filter might be off)? I'm curious

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Saturday's over finally!

Oh I'm so glad its 6 on Saturday! That means I'm done with work for the week! Oh I'm so tired! My back hurts and my mind is so done. Its fried from all the hair color and hairspray..and stuff like that. I'm just so glad work is over. I worked a lot this past week.... and a few late nights. Its hard for me to see it as a blessing or an answer to prayer but I guess I should. I'm just so beat sometimes its hard for me to even be glad I made money.. but I guess that's how life goes... But least I know I worked hard, and God provided faithfully once again. He always gives what we need. Definately not everything I want but always what's needed. What's sad is we just want so much more than we need... so we end up less grateful at times.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Its another beautiful October Saturday out there today. I actually took the day off because a good friend of mine had her baby shower today. It was nice to not rush. I got up and made some breakfast and finished up the cake that I made for the shower. This one turned out good. I like doing it and having the finished product turn out good. I think that's how my mind works. I like tasks that I can spend time on and do it really nice. I wish there was a special job out there for me like that. I mean.. so far.. I do hair yes... but people have been asking me if I'm going to start doing cakes to make money... and people have said that I need to make tables and sell them for money too. Well .. the table for one, people wouldn't want to pay what I would charge..they'd probably just rather go buy something else. The cakes take too long... and I would feel bad charging what bakery's charge. Some cakes cost $100's, well my cake would or else i wouldn't be making minimum wage.. ha ha.. well the one last night took me about 5 hours total with baking and decorating with icing. At the hair salon, if I'm working 4 hours on somebody it usually costs about $135, but when people come in to get highlights, that's an investment cuz it lasts a long time...but a cake only lasts long enough for you to cut it and eat it and if you take a picture of it. maybe I'll make fake wonderful looking cakes and like at weddings people can hide real cake behind it or in the back of the venue. So a beautiful cake would last forever and be much more useful! ha ha...
My friend Tiffany had a great shower. She got lots of stuff she needed for the baby coming in December. My cousin is having the first great grandbaby due on Thanksgiving! I'm excited about all these babies coming. I've always loved babies. I'm that crazy lady who makes stupid faces, stupid noices, and makes up stupid words and talks goofy to the babies. Its fun.. and I don't care what I look like as long as I make them smile. Anyways.. I'm out.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Its almost 3 in the AM. I'm so sleepy. I can not sleep. My body will not let me sleep... but its not something that can be solved with sleeping aids. My actual body keeps me awake. I want to cry or scream or something. I just am not happy right now. If i had a scalpel I would probably self mutilate right now. I'm having one of those moments I think of all the crap that I hate about myself and say... Why me God? Why am I 25 almost 26 with more zits than ever? Why do I not have all my teeth? Why do I keep gaining weight? Why do I get headaches all the time? Why do I not have motivation to do something about the problems that need motivation? My body aches from work too.. my back has been killing me and well anyways! Pity party is over Sarah. Suck it up. I'm angry that I don't have health insurance and it seams like more than ever I can't afford to do what I want to do in life like my teeth, health insurance, wood floors, retire.. ok just a bit of weird humor but I've got to stop cuz I told myself the pity party is over Sarah... So, Suck it up.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I need to sleep!

Well, again.. I'm not sure what to blog about. What's going through my head right now... well I feel some relief of some thoughts that have laid heavy on my mind and heart. That's always a good thing to have relief. I wish it didn't have to be so heavy for me to have to call somebody out, but sometimes life's not fun or happy. I said what I needed to say and that's that. I prayed about it and felt a peace. Believe me, I know the feeling of... "NOOOO don't send that!! its all anger and bitterness!" God's lead me to delete 2 blogs I've written already before people saw them. I saved all of you from the fear of Sarah!... Oh you would be scared. Anyways..
The other thing on my mind is that I'm in pain... my muscles are sore.. I guess from playing soccer or working or cooking or getting up and down during church... something like that. My butt is sore, and my hamstrings are sore.. I need to go for a long walk and then stretch good while my muscles are all warmed up. But its 1:30 in the morning and I don't think that would be a good idea.
Lila was I think eating a bird either her or the neighbor cat killed.. Just on the other side of our fence was this big pile of feathers(which i thought she couldn't get out but she did).... and she kept wanting to go outside all day and I went out there to see what she was doing and there was some meat and bones.. pretty fresh too... i just hope it doesn't make her sick. So far she's ok.
I have an idea... every time I blog I'll say what I ate for the day... ha ha.. no! not hot dogs again!(I know its kind of boring but maybe it will keep me accountable... cuz i'll be honest)
Today I started out my day with an egg sandwich... Egg, ham, cheese, Mayo, and a hash brown... Later before lunch I tried to put on my clothes but failed to do so due to inability to put myself in the clothes. I felt finally led to do something.. I wrote a list... it said.. "I will not eat cheese or mayonnaise for at least 2 months.. I will limit my caloric intake and exercise at least 3-4 times a week for at least 45 minutes. I will only bake for parties and holidays. I will count my calories. I will try to exercise Lila and Doug" Oh and I made some other promises too I think... So I had a sandwich and potato salad.. (oh i said i could finish my potato salad even though it has mayo in it.) My sandwich was turkey and lettuce with some sub dressing(i know probably defeated the purpose) I threw out my homemade pudding(like sugar, cornstarch, vanilla, milk.. boiled it and everything homemade) and a peach cobbler i was dying to bake and eat with ice cream... Now I'm sad but its probably better this way. I'm going on a cruise next May and I at least want to fit in the the jeans I wore last year. For dinner we had salmon croquettes, garlic herb potatoes, and broccoli... oh man.. i put cheese on the broccoli! I'm ruined.. Cheese!!! oh my down fall.. People say it makes you constipated but if you balance it out with some broccoli its all good. anyways.. I'm embarrassed to say i had two scoops of Ice Cream after dinner. Hey .. maybe tomorrow will be a better more motivated powerful day. I'm addicted to food! I'm telling you.. I should have gotten addicted to something with less calories like Pot, or Cocaine, or Heroin... something along those lines.. Alcohol has too many calories and Cigarettes just stink... oh yeah and I did have cheese on my lunch sandwich... I don't think i can give cheese up cold turkey appearantly.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Block a User?

Hey does anyone know how to block one user from seeing your blog and comments and block them from sending you comments? I don't mind people seeing my blog until they start something .... I'm tired of people starting something.. But you know.. I guess they don't have anything better to do than to read and judge others. So, anyone know how to block a user? or do you have to block everybody at once or none at all?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dr. Lash Banks

Hey everybody! I found this website. Hope you find it interesting if you haven't found it yourself already.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Me and Lila are sitting here.. Doug's playing xbox 360.. and I think we're having hot dogs for dinner. I made a roast last night with potatoes, carrots, onion, and mushrooms! Well it was a good idea. It all turned out pretty good but the roast was not my favorite. I was a little embarrassed but I think it was the cut of meat I bought.. I can never remember what I'm supposed to buy.. there's.. chuck bottom, chuck pot, chuck whatever... there's bottom round, top round, middle round..(I'm a assuming)... Anyways.. I've bought a good one before and I can never remember which I liked... well next time I'll try again... I think this one I made last night was a bottom round something or another. Try try again!! Food is going to be a topic on my blogs I have a feeling. I love to cook when it turns out good. I'm mad at the choice of meat from yesterday but I'll just have to try again and learn. I'll not stop till its perfect or at least perfect to me.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Easy Fruit Dip

Oh my Oh my... I'm a lover of fruit dip... the kind that's made with cream cheese and sugary fluffiness..I like apples in caramel too but I'm talking about the cream cheese fruit dip.
Well, I used to make it with cream cheese, powdered sugar, whipped topping, and vanilla.. and basically try to get it to the right consistency and flavor...

Listen here people! I also love when something tastes just that great but you can make it easier!(sort of like how we have spaghetti sauce out of a jar sometimes) I have discovered the recipe for the Easier Cream Cheese Fruit dip people.

Easier Cream Cheese Fruit dip!
One 8 oz. package of cream cheese
One 7 oz. jar of marshmallow cream
Vanilla if you want more vanillaness!

I never take the credit for something if I learned it from someone else. I went to my cousin's baby shower a couple weeks ago and my Aunt made the same dip for the party. I couldn't tell the difference and she told me what she put in it. Anyways... enough blogging but I had to post because I made it today with some beautifully fragrant and tasty strawberries and it was just Divine! I like strawberries but I love them with the dip!

Beautiful Days Outside!

Today is such a pretty day outside. It wasn't very busy at the salon for a Saturday and I'm hoping its because people are out having fun with their families. Its such a great day for the State Fair of Texas or some other outdoor activity... I almost want to go ride my bike but there's always a draw back of course. It sounds weird but I don't want to leave Lila at home.. I want her to enjoy the beautiful day if i enjoy it. She's a small froo froo dog so she can't run along side a biker.. ha ha.. she'd try but she'd probably get pretty tired. I've looked up different bicycle pet accessories like a basket or whatever to put the dog in. They can get pretty elaborate and excessive, not to mention expensive. So, I haven't felt like I could justify buying something like that for $50-$80 for my dog. We already buy too much stuff for her as it is which she needs none of... it probably all messes up her digestive system because she ends up eating most of the toys we get her.. but she's fancy... fancy dog... fancy hair do... fancy clothes...fancy poop... her poop ends up being quite the rainbow of assorted colors sometimes from eating toys and such... I'll go do me some tootsie roll patrol and I'll be like.. "oh that's where that went." Anyways.. of course I'd pick out the coolest looking bicycle seat for her and she'd probably refuse to ride in it after all that hassle. I'd also probably look like one of those people who spoil their dog too if I were riding down the street with a sporty pink dog carrier on my bike .. but hey.. if Dorothy from Wizard of Oz could find happiness so can I.. and she sure nuff had a basket for Toto strapped right on her bike...

State Fair of Texas... kind of...

Well its late again... and I'm still up.. eyes wide open. I'm probably tired and don't know it. I was supposed to have a soccer game tonight but it was canceled because some lights at Pizza Hut Park caught on fire. I was bummed because it feels good to get out there and play, but I turned around and came home. I talked Doug into going on a walk with me and Lila. Work is kind of slow this week, but a long time ago a coworker of mine told us it slows down during Fair season. Well, here we are in fair season. Its weird but true... every year work slows down a bit when the State Fair of Texas comes to town! Oh don't we all love the fair... for all the wrong reasons... I mean.. I love to eat lots of food and buy jewelry and other stuff.. I don't ever buy the other stuff but I wish I could. I'd love to meet the person who actually buys a hot tub at the fair... people have to I'm sure! We used to ride the rides when we were little but somewhere along the way those rides became dangerous so we stopped. I'm just thinking about all the magic that goes on in a place like the State Fair.. and Six Flags.. Vacation... stuff like that. I need something like that right now... but I have slow work right now. Oh well.. its ok.. Lila makes me smile and Doug's around... he's ok. Tell me of your adventures at the Fair or anything like that.. What do you like to eat... corny dogs? candy/caramel apple... I'd love to know it...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Table top project!

I know I already posted that I was glad to have finished the table my mom and I had been working on. I purchased the table base and my mom and I constructed and tiled the table top. I'm pleased with the results and here are the pictures to prove it!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hey Everybody! I'm not up to much.. but i'm excited about finishing my table.. My great mom came over today to help me grout the tile... well she ended up doing it all herself really. But I did have to go to Lowes two times to get more grout.. appearantly we weren't estimating correctly. I'm amazed.. I ended up spending more money on grout than tile. It looks really pretty though.. I wish I could put pics up but I'm on Doug's laptop and I have no clue. I can't think of much else to blog about but we did win our soccer game last Friday. I'm excited about that! I was worried I did something to my knee but I think its gonna be ok, I'm thanking God for that! I'm having lots of fun with soccer! I did almost kick this guy in the face... he was cussin me out right after he almost busted me in the face... he was mad cuz he was trying to get the ref to call a handball but my hands went up to my face just by reflex.. Anyways.. sometimes i like to be "gramatically correct" and spell correctly.. but as you can see i don't give a shinanigan tonight. i"m tired and i need to go to bed.

Big news... i made an apple pie tonight! I'm so excited cuz its beatiful and tasted great! Martha would be impressed except i didn't put little cutout leaves or a beautiful fluted edge.. i did something on the edge and it was special but a different kind of special ; )... I hope people don't think I'm bragging... I'm actually just proud to not be lazy for a change.. i mean I'm lazy a lot I feel like... and i made the crust from scratch and cut up the apples and spiced it up blablabla...
Lately we've been eating hotdogs.. I mean.. we got a big package of hot dogs from SAM'S!! I'm sad to say we got them about two weeks ago.. and they are gone..well maybe all but about 2 but i really think they are all gone. Ok I'm done! don't be jealous of my apple pie!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Well, we had our first co-ed outdoor soccer game tonight. I'm tired because I'm way out of shape. What's new. I've been on an indoor team since last Feb. but they decided they wanted to go outdoor. Well.. I didn't care too much so I'm up for it. We actually tied so thats not bad. If anybody ever wants to come our games are on Friday nights! We are a pro team for sure! haha.. not! We all try our best though.. i think... I have to do something that gets me moving off my butt. I love soccer and its hard work so I get a much needed workout, but it only takes care of one day a week. I'm hoping I'll run even more next week. Anyways, not much else is going on on my side of town. I don't feel much like blogging tonight I guess. I have to go to work tomorrow and usually its a drag but I get to see some good friends and do their hair. I'm ready for a weekend...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Table top project

Well here's the thing. We moved into a house back last November. Everything has been great and we love our little house. I found bar stools I loved from Sam's of all places and totally go with my stuff and are my style. Well, I've been needing a table for our breakfast nook. We have built in benches in the nook and needed the "perfect" table to go right in the middle.. Well of course I'm set on a certain table although its weird cuz I really don't know it until I see it. Does that make sense? I definitely wanted pedestal but wanted to maximize the table top experience; ) Anyways.. all that to say that once again the furniture world didn't have exactly what I wanted in my budget... So... My mom and I decided, with the help of my wonderful talented mom, we'd make what I wanted. I won't go into detail.. which is sad because all this is actually not detailed for me. We bought a table base and constructed a table top. I'm putting tavertine all over the table top with a design layed out in little white marble tiles that look like sugar cubes. The tavertine is broken up and put all around my marble design that I layed out. Sounds easy but after I put the marble design down.. now its a huge puzzle. The puzzle is getting to me... but I've discovered that I don't like working on puzzles all by myself.. its like a game.. who wants to play a game all by themselves( I'm not a solitaire person)... so boring. I keep going over to the puzzle and walking away cuz its overwhelming. Its already looking awesome though but I want to be done with it. You will all be jealous but I'm telling you.. to do this stupid table again... I'd charge for all my expertise, experience and love! ha ha.. and dang its hard work... when I get it all layed out how we want... then you have to seal it with a quality sealer. You have to let that be for like 72 hours and then... you get to stick it down piece by piece... then let that sit for a couple days. then we can grout it... I'm crazy cuz I haven't even got it all layed out yet! But hey, once again in life... I'll just take my sweet time. Sorry for the random blog... I hope you all learned something either about table tops or just about me... Either is beneficial in life I'm sure!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I feel lazy

I feel lazy! I'm having one of those days... I have them often(oh, 6 days a week). I probably don't eat enough veggies. I love them but its hard to incorporate much into a simple meal when you're feeling... well.... lazy. There are always the times when you feel like a salad or a veggie/hamburger, both which require lettuce and tomato for me or at least lettuce... and then you realize you don't even have lettuce .. you have frozen peas and frozen brussel sprouts. I don't like either on a salad or burger. You may think I'm weird that I don't like them on my salads and burgers but i just don't.. ha ha.. Well, maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Coffee may help...

Women of Faith

Well I made it out to the infamous Woman of Faith Conference. I feel I've checked another event off my list of things to do in my life. I loved the speakers a whole lot but there was way too much advertisements. The whole thing was way too long! Saturday was from 9-5 or more. The speakers told lots of funny story's that made us laugh but not so much to make us think. I did hear a lot about God's Grace and that's good though. I'm glad I went with the friends but not sure how I feel about going to stuff like that again. We headed home and we all thought Sushi sounded good so we went for sushi. First we met Trey to get Cooper though! Yay for getting Cooper!!... I felt like I hadn't seen him in a while so I was so happy to get to hang out with the girls and have some Cooper time! If you don't know Cooper he's just about the cutest baby boy ever! He's such a good baby too we think. Wanissa has some serious powers I know. He just smiles, plays a little, talks a bit and he'll sit over in his seat while we hung out and ate. Wanissa got some big kisses while we were at the table too.. he looked like he'd missed her a lot.
When I got home after sushi, I hung out with Doug some and then I was compelled to look up synchronized swimming on the Internet. I'd seen swimming, diving, gymnastics, track, soccer, and other Olympic events but no synchronized swimming! I love stuff like that so spent a little while on the computer that night looking at some of the routines. I have a bad habit of staying up too late. I'm definitely a night owl and sometimes I think its because I don't want to go to bed. I'll wake up in the middle of the night with my arm asleep or a pain in the neck.. and I'm not talking about Doug. I hate mattresses because you pick one out you think is good but then you get home and its horrible, but you paid so much for it.
Today's blog was random but I thought that's what blogs were for!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My first official blog

I apologize in advance for any awkwardness. I'm not sure how long I will be a blogger, but I've decided to give it a try at the request of my many fans.
I'm a celebrity hairstylist... you may know Lila. She's my dog. Everybody knows her, loves her and thinks she's beautiful, and of course I put her hair up in a little bow so that people know she's a cute girl. Although I have had the occasional "Is he this or is he that?.. He's so cute!" I'm like people, are you serious??... She has a bow!(pink might I add with the occasional bling) I feel bad for their children. I do actually do people's hair for a living. I did in fact cut Shawn Bradly's dad's hair once or twice. Shawn did come into the shop one time to pick up his daughter who was getting highlights from another stylist. He's is indeed very tall but I'm not so sure it helped his game so much. I told him I knew who he was and he didn't know who I was of course but who really cares. Anyways, I have many clients whom I love and cherish, who are celebrities to me!.. I guess you can tell I'm a bit bitter about not becoming a "Celebrity Hairstylist". Well it didn't work out for me yet. I'm still waiting on the big ones... Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Aniston, oh you know people like that. Brittany is not allowed though. Celebrities would probably literally not have the time for me cuz I'm so dang slow sometimes.
Anyways, I've started using the word livid in my advanced vocab that I have. Recently there was a certain situation that only my close friends know about. I was livid about this situation! Oh I'm sure you are wondering what it was but it would be gossip to blog about. I'll just say I don't want to be judgmental in my life anymore and I really don't want to be around it either. It amazes me the little specks we see in other peoples eyes when we have a life sized Lincoln Log in our own eye. I have my issues and struggles and I don't need to point out other people's... and especially talk about it to multiple people who aren't even involved.
There was a time in my life where I conformed to the people around me and did what they did and thought what they thought. Those people were like family and were my spiritual leaders at the time. I took to heart all they said and the way they lived. They were my family and when you are around people long enough you begin to think like them. Its true and we all know it. I was there for 13 years of my short life. Life was strict and legalistic. Legalism is a system of "living by the law" in order to make spiritual progress and earn God's blessing. There was a list of "do's and don'ts". Don't play soccer on Sundays. Don't go to the movies. Don't go shopping on Sundays not even Walmart if you can help it. Don't work on Sundays. Don't wear this or that. And some things were just "understood". Oh I could go on forever about the different aspects of my old church. I'm blogging all this for 2 reasons. One: I guess to share about parts of my life that have made me who I am. Two: And to confess that I have been judgemental towards people and my friends in the past and I'm currently trying to see people for who they are and not what they do or say.
Bottom line is, I'm slowly working at listening to God and not people. I have a wonderful new church I've been going to for the past 2 plus years with lots of good friends and fellowship. Spiritual abuse is a real thing and takes time and God to get over. He's still working on me. So I apologize for my issues in advance.
I'll try not to be so serious in the future. But I can't make any promises. Although I live for the next laugh and random humor in life, Bipolar does run in my family.. so sometimes the symptoms pop up. And some of you may know me.... I don't have much of a filter at times... I will talk about the weirdest, most random, very personal things in life and sometimes I can be wildly inappropriate. If you can't handle the heat, stay the heck out of my kitchen, because I'm HOT!.